How to properly optimize web loading speed?

The statistics are relentless. As many as 47 % users expect a web page to load within 2 seconds at the latest. But even worse, 40 % visitors will leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. What does this imply?


Web speed optimization is really important and if you want to succeed with your online project, you should pay due attention to it!

The reasons why your page loads slowly may be rooted in various elements of the site. Speed is affected by in particular the code and its structure


If you don't want to unnecessarily lose customers and search engine rankings, optimizing site speed should be your priority.

We give you a brief overview of the most common ways, how to optimize the loading speed of your pages. If you are not familiar with these areas, leave the adjustments to the professionals.

1. Minimize HTTP requests

Research shows that up to 80 % of page load time is consumes for downloading individual elements (images, graphics, text, videos...). 


To download each such element, a separate HTTP request is created, which your site must handle and display the element correctly. However, it often happens that HTTP requests are also made for things that are completely useless and as a result, the loading time is increased. By analyzing individual HTTP requests, you can detect such "time thieves" and remove them in order to pages load faster.


2. Optimize files

HTML, CSS and Javascript files are the backbone of any online project. Optimizing these files is crucial especially for large websites with a lot of code. Lots of small files increase load times as many HTTP requests are generated. Correct arrangement of the individual parts of the code into clear files and by eliminating redundant pieces of the program, it is possible to noticeably speed up the site.


3. Use asynchronous script loading

CSS and Javascript files can be loaded either synchronously or asynchronously. In the former method, the page is greater load exertedas many functions and graphic elements have to be loaded at the same time. As a result, there can be loading speed lower. On the contrary, during asynchronous loading, individual CSS and Javascript scripts come to life gradually, independently of each other. The page can load faster.

4. Buy quality hosting

Perhaps the most common answer to the question, how to properly optimize web loading speed, is hosting at verified provider. Integrating super-modern elements into your site will be useless if they run on slow hosting. Before you order hosting from a provider, check speed statistics. Investing in quality pays off. You not only get speed, but also safety.

5. Reduce

Size optimization is important not only for the code itself, but also all graphic elements and functionsthat run on your site. Nowadays, there are a large number of tools available that can effectively shrink images or graphics without visibly compromising quality. 


Before you upload anything to the web, think about whether it could somehow be reduce the size of the element. You can save valuable milliseconds of web loading time.  


6. Watch out for videos

You can't do web speed optimization without paying attention to videos. If you want to have audiovisual content on your site, the worst solution is to upload it directly to the web. 


Not only will you quickly fill up the available space on the hosting, but you will also significantly slow down the loading of pages. The most advantageous option is upload videos on YouTube or a similar platform and then embed them via code on your website.


7. Remove unnecessary plugins

Deactivate and delete plugins you don't use. If you forget about them, it is very likely that they will unnecessarily slow down the loading of individual pages. Also, make sure you regularly update the plugins you actively use.


8. Test regularly

Optimizing the loading speed of a website is not a one-time affair. If you want to achieve perfect results in the long term, you should pay attention regularly. 


It only takes a few minutes to test your speed, but it can quickly show you potential "bottlenecks" that arise on an ongoing basis. You can then quickly fix them, thereby ensure smooth operation and lightning fast loading of your website.


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